While, at home, I frequently have no idea where my strapless bra is, and I often rewash piles of clean laundry because they have gotten mixed with the dirty piles, and I could not care less. But, when I'm on vacation, the thought of not being able to find something in my suitcase or, worse, clean-dirty laundry fraternization, practically gives me hives.

Here are some online resources that sell super cute lingerie and bathing suit bags for all your vacays this summer.

If you're cheap, or just totally broke, you can always just use a clean (preferably good-smelling) pillowcase to serve the same function. As a bonus, when you get to that seedy beach motel, you can swap their sketchy case for your nice, fresh one. But, then what do you do with your undies? That will throw you anal-retentives into a quandary. Or, maybe not.

From top: Pink geometric-patterned swimsuit bag, $28, from Lapin Vilardi; Orange floral lingerie bag, $36 from Lapin Vilardi; "Before and After" lingerie bag, $40, from Dogeared; Two-pocket zebra stripe bikini bag, $30, from Anna Moi; His-and-hers swimsuit bags (so cute for a honeymoon!), $20 each, from Zazendi; Personalized zipper bags (have them embroidered with "clean" and "dirty"), $75, from The Monogram Shops.
I cannot sing it enough, 'you izzz bril-li-ant'.
and what a great gift idea! I think I may have to steal this idea for the next several bridal shower & birthday gifts I have to give : )
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