One of the things I've learned about myself through the process of, well,
being me, is that having organized thoughts doesn't necessarily translate to being an organized person (and I am sure my husband would agree). Just because you own a label maker and spend obscene amounts of time and money at the Container Store does not mean that your things will just naturally put themselves away properly and attractively. I know, it's a harsh reality. And it's one I have come face to face with multiple times within the last three months as I stood before my pantry cabinets in utter despair and desperation. "Where oh where is the almond extract?," I cried, as I rummaged through cluttered and messy cabinet after cabinet. And, "I wonder if we have any canned tomatoes," I pondered as I stared into the daunting depths of my corner cabinet, before going out and buying three more cans which I promptly put into the abyss and could never find again. Well, today, I finally put a stop to all of that foolishness. I pulled everything out of my kitchen pantry cabinets and cleaned, consolidated, reorganized, re-shelved and labeled. I had some shaming moments (who knew we had
four honey bears?), and a big cathartic throwing-out of the expired, gross or nearly empty, and now I have cabinets that I actually think make sense.

After blowing the dust off of it, I used my label maker to label the tops of all of my spices where I can actually see them, so I don't have to pull them all out to find the one I need. I also made a list of what goes on each shelf, which I taped to the back of the cabinet door. I left space on it so I can make additions and notes, which I'll replace when they get too messy. So next time I'm headed to the store and I think "do I already have a jar of dried thyme leaves?" I can look at the list and see- ah, yes, I already have
The kitchen mid-cleanup. I only show this to you as a form of penance, because the first step is admitting you have a problem. I'm not trying to candy-coat this for you, people- it was an ugly situation.
1 comment:
We just moved back into our house and I read did all the cabinets- As I did them I realized the more I got organized the less room I really had. HA- my mom is always saying you can't have enough storage...I always laughed because our house has a lot...not really if I want to be organized and happy with the way everything looks! I will take a pic and send it your way....all our spices expired- I am coveting the Dean and Deluca spice rack!!! The tube ones...they are awesome- love- C
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