I rarely drink soda from a can anymore, but when I do, it is usually as a treat while traveling, or, for lack of a better option, purchased from a street vendor or some shabby vending machine. Inevitably, the top of the can looks, at best, dusty and suspect, and, at worst, sticky or grimy. The disgusting thought of putting my mouth on the can usually eliminates whatever guilty pleasure I had from the thought of drinking that Coke to begin with. However, as you may have experienced, when one attempts to stick a straw in a can, to avoid the whole mouth-to-can contact problem, science and tiny bubbles collude against us, and the straw floats to the top and immediately falls out of the can. This may seem like a trivial issue, but it is one that perplexed and disturbed me for years.
Finally, in a burst of genius that Archimedes would have been jealous of, I discovered that, if upon opening the can, you leave the tab forward, you can insert the straw through the tab, which will then hold it in place, and prevent it from floating up. Eureka!
Who wudda thunk?
Who wudda thunk?
This is how my dad taught me to drink pop when I was little. It's a fabulous find! :) Just stumbled on your blog today. Look forward to looking around more!
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