Here it is: Always go to the last stall in the bathroom. Here's why: Humans are by nature very lazy creatures, and when the bathroom is not full, most people will choose to go into the closest stall (I am serious- I have watched people do it over and over). That means that over the course of the day, the last stalls get used less (but are usually cleaned just as often). That means that the last stall is usually tidier, fresher, and stocked with TP, not to mention that the last stall affords you 50% more privacy than the other stalls, thanks to the wall on one side. Also, as a bonus, the last stall is sometimes the handicap stall, affording you more room (as a point of clarification for those wondering, the handicap stall is not like a handicap parking place- it's socially acceptable for anyone to use it when it's available).
So quit stalling, and take a seat.
I would have to disagree when it comes to the handicap stall being fair game. There have been many times when i have had to take my toddler potty with my one year old who is in the stroller. The handicap stall is the only one where we can all fit and I find it rude when I see a single person walk past all the other empty stalls and straight for the handicap stall forcing me and my poor little toddler to wait for them to finish so that we can all fit in the stall together. There's no way that i'm going to leave my one year old out in the aisle while me and my toddler take care of business in the stall.
Those without kids, head for the next to last stall.
Totally disagree that the last stall is the one people least go for, all things equal. In my experience-- it is always the most desirable one to use- and certainly not the last resort for most shitters.
Yes, if #2 is one's business, then the last stall is always best.
Research shows first stall is actually the one that is least used on average. The second stall is the most frequently used.
And I would agree that people use the last stall for the worst uses.
Wow, I never thought I would provoke such debate with a post about bathroom stalls. I'm woman enough to admit when I'm wrong- I'm moving to the 2nd to last stall from now on, thank you very much.
Just found your blog!
Haha, I had to chime in on this too and agree with the comment about the first stall being the least used--I've heard that too! Plus, it's the closest. :)
omg it is so refreshing to find another true wife out there! Glad to know I'm not the only one about the bathroom stall! I remind my oldest daughter of this all the time!! hope you don't mind if i follow!!!
This stall post has been stinking up the top spot on this blog for 6 days now. Would love to see some fresh new content!
The number of times one has had an encounter with the ever lurking handbag thief{lifting it from the stall door hook when one is otherwise engaged},leads one {particularly at the Minn. St. Paul airport , Philadelphia's Penn, Station and Macys in Los Angeles facilities} to opt for the increased security the last stall promises.
Ha! Anonymous, when you put it that way, I HAD to write some new posts. As for over-the-door purse theft, Yupela, that is some dirty business. I guess you can never be too careful!
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