Inside, I found a very cute striped apron (right up my alley), and several little hand-embroidered linen cocktail napkins which had belonged to my grandmother, and two little silver ivy leaf dishes which had been my grandfather's. I almost cried (but like my mom, my aunt, and my grandmother before me, I am tough as nails, so I held it in).
The lovely little collection of gifts was wrapped carefully in tissue and came with a note that said they were, "items only a twenty-seven year old housewife could appreciate — they all require labor, either ironing or polishing, but I'm assuming you're into it, unless you are like Barbara Stanwyck in Christmas in Connecticut and the whole thing's a sham".
FYI, the whole thing's not a sham although my fastidious husband does most of the silver-polishing around here (and you should Netflix that classic). Thanks, Midge!

It made me think of all the people on my life who deserve a little package of happiness in their mailboxes, for no good reason at all. I'm determined to find the time to gather some goodies and mail them out far and wide (but, knowing me, it might take a while). Until then, people I care about, you'll all have to settle for these little missives. Think of them as cyber-care packages arriving via electronic post.
Amen to packages... My darling husband always asks why I spend so much money on cards and gifts... it's because it makes ME feel good to send them, and obviously it feels good to receive them. Just this morning I mailed a package of homemade chocolate dipped pretzles to my friend Steve!
Yes,nothing quite says "I Love You" like a care package. My care packages in college were so large my roommate used to joke that they looked like "foreign aid."
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