Okay, fine, I have no idea how to sew lace (I'm pretty sure most people in this country stopped learning "tatting" once the TV was invented). And after one (or three) too many celebratory drinks I probably would have poked lovely Ali twenty times with a needle had I given it a shot (speaking of shots...). But, luckily, I had my other secret weapon with me there, as well: My Mom. Quick as a bunny, she patched up Ali's dress good as new, without drawing blood, and sent her back to shake it on the dance floor before she missed another song. Sure, my mom is the real hero in this story, but the point is that her heroics were only made possible with the use of MY sewing kit. Which is why I am taking 50% credit. Mama didn't raise no fool.
Here's how to make your own perfect on-the-go emergency sewing kit, to help you save the day (okay, and sometimes help you help save the day) wherever you go. Forget those pre-made sewing kits they give away in hotel rooms or sell in drugstores- the boxes are alway flimsy and break, and there is always a ton of stuff you don't need (A measuring tape! Purple thread! Tiny, dull scissors!) and not enough of the stuff you do. But feel free to poach the useful items from those kits. Get a little creative, get the essentials, and you'll be prepared for anything. Mama says.
What you will need:
An Altoids or other sturdy metal candy tin
A sturdy cardboard jewelry giftbox with a lid
A rubber band to hold closed
Put inside:
*Sharp scissors
*1 bobbin each of black, white, and a mid-tone gray thread. One of these will work in almost every situation.
*Assorted sharp needles.
*A needle-threader (especially if you have poor eyesight or shaky hands).
*Assorted safety pins.
*Assorted straight pins.
*Assorted buttons.
*A seam-ripper.
*Toupee tape
Go forth and save the day. And call me if you need my mom.
photo credit: Craft stylish
We ALL need your Mom. And you!
I love this blog - just found it - but alas, as a new breed of housewife you MUST know that tatting is "knot" a lost art! There are many of us who still do handcrafts, including tatting - just search the internet! :) Other than that, I find your resourcefulness and creativity refreshing and will look forward to reading more of your posts in the future! Congrats on a wonderful event!
Emily, a tatter and part-time housewife in Michigan (whose husband knits!)
@Sara- But mostly my mom, right? I act all self-sufficient, but I rarely make a move without consulting my advisor (aka Mom). Hence, the telephone bills.
@Emily- So glad you found me! And I stand corrected about the tatting. I'm super impressed, and would love to see how it's done. (Although I would probably inadvertently tat a lace rendering of Jerry Orbach while watching Law & Order reruns). And the only thing my husband knits is his brow when I come home with yet another craft project (rimshot!).
Also, Emily- I forgot to say: "'knot' a lost art" made me a little light-headed (in a good way). That's my kind of punning. You are obviously a woman after my own heart.
I think you and your Mom are great. I mentioned you for an award over on my site http://laura-outloud.blogspot.com/
Yes need her desperately. Channeling her now!!!
Toupee tape. Brilliant idea! I'm running off to find some to keep in my emergency kit!
How do those metal Altoids boxes travel on a plane these days? Great ideas, love you site!
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