Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rubber Match

In case you have been in a coma, or had your arm stuck in between two boulders since September (welcome back, by the way!), or something, you probably have noticed that this has been a pretty crumby winter in New York City, weather-wise. It's been really snowy and cold and slushy and mucky and generally awful. Which usually I don't mind, because it gives me a good excuse not to wear heels when I leave the house (almost never), and to instead wear my black rubber Hunter wellington boots.  I happen to love these boots because, whenever I put them on, they make me feel like the lady of an English manor going out to oversee the grooming of my horses, even when I'm really just going to CVS to buy toilet paper.
However, lately, my charming ladylike rubber boots have started to look a little worse for wear, what with the mud caked on them, and the water spots, and the rubber "blooming" some weird white powder at the seams. I still feel like I'm in an English manor when I wear them, but now I'm more like the disheveled old squatter who mucks out the rabbit cages.
So, I started to wonder about cleaning my boots. What, pray tell, I asked myself, shall I use to spiff up my wellies? (obviously, I was speaking in a British accent when I said this).

AND THEN inspiration hit me like a ton of rabbit pellets in the face- what else is made out of rubber and gets mucky and muddy and needs to be cleaned? That's right- tires! I hopped right out and bought some Mothers Tire Shine (That's just what they had at my store- I am sure other brands, like Armorall, would work just as well). Spray the polish onto a clean soft rag and rub it into the boots. Let them sit for 10 minutes, and then use a dry part of the towel to buff them to a bright shine. You'll be back to feeling like your royal self again, in no time, your ladyship.


Her Posh Palate... said...

Ha! I've got the Jimmy Choo brand Hunters and totally keep a spray bottle of Armorall in the closet.

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Thanks for all the neat tips. I think SAHW's are a dying breed unfortunately. Right now I am a SAHM and a SAHW! :)

Mary said...

I am truly in awe of your resourcefulness...

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how instantly classy ANY rain boot can make you feel. Even my blue ones with whales on them.

cailen ascher said...

those boots cleaned up nice! the weather has been just awful - i've worn nothing but boots for weeks! i want cute shoes again : )

Mister Sharaf said...

nice boots

ali v. said...

tada! THANK YOU for solving my frustration with my Hunters! Can't wait to try this out :) so happy I stumbled on your sure to stop by mine soon, I have a fun giveaway running with your name all over it! is it spring yet?! xoxo {av}

Unknown said...

I'm going to try this for sure. My wellies have been blooming since I bought them off eBay for $25. Does it matter if they are green?

-Emily- said...

Love Hunters. Great idea! I'll have to try it. By the way, I love your blog :)

● C E L I N A ● said...

THIS is a glorious idea.

We have had an unseasonably cold/snowy winter here in UT. I have been wanting a pair of my own, they have been in my virtual shopping car on many occasions but I just haven't been able to hit submit.

♥ theMRS.

read about my thoughts on Facebook UNFRIENDING Here

. said...

such a good tip! i have a pink ones with whales on them, and a really great solution for getting scuff marks off them is a magic eraser!

Suwanee Landscape Design Company said...

Very smart! Thinking a way how to make thing more beautiful so resourceful. I love the glass with candles.