It's been a while since I have done a post about a new beauty product, because, frankly, I haven't used a new beauty product in a while. I'm a creature of habit, and once I find a product I love, I tend to stick with it with an almost religious ferocity. I've used the same brand and color of eyeshadow (this one, Nosy McGee) every day for eight years, and if (horror of horrors) it were to be discontinued, I wouldn't be surprised to find myself outside the factory with a ski mask and a grappling hook, planning a raid to gather the remaining shimmery tubs. So, it was not without a certain amount of trepidation and skepticism that I even tried the new(ish) line of hair products from Yes to Carrots. But! They are amazing!
There is very little not to love about this shampoo and conditioner ($7.99 each from, or major drug stores). For one thing, they are made with (almost) all natural ingredients, and have none of the toxic carcinogenic parabens, phthalates, or SLS that is frequently found in shampoos and conditioners. I mean, I like having shiny, pretty hair, as much as the next girl, but I'd rather not have to die for it. And shiny, pretty hair I have, indeed, with these products. I swear, you'll like what it does for your 'do so much, you'll find yourself flirtatiously tossing your hair around like Ariel from The Little Mermaid. Even if you're a guy. And, as if that wasn't enough, the products also have a lovely light, clean scent that will make you irresistible to members of the opposite sex. Okay, that last part isn't true- if you have an unpleasant personality and a face like a pit bull, no shampoo is going to turn you into a femme fatale. But these products do really smell delicious, in a way that's not too fruity or perfume-y, so your fella can use them without feeling creepy about it.
Yes to Carrots also has a skin-care line, which I am gathering the courage to try, but I'll bet is pretty great, and new lines called Yes to Tomatoes, Yes to Cucumbers, and Yes to Blueberries, which you might like even better. As for me and trying new things, all I can say is "yes, yes, yes!"
Note: You may have noticed that after I posted this, Google Adsense (in it's infinite wisdom) started running an ad for Yes to Carrots on my sidebar. That's because they use some smarty-pants algorithm that attaches appropriate ads to related content, not because I wrote a post endorsing an advertiser. All opinions and endorsements on my blog are my own, and I have never been paid or compensated to say something nice about a product, person, place, or thing. Unless you count not complaining too much about my husband, since he goes to work every day and lets me stay home and write a blog as "compensation".
3 hours ago
Lily! I love Yes to Carrots too! :) I use their make-up remover and their face moisturizers and I definitely recommend them. Hope all is well!
Their chap-stick is the best, check it out:)
I love "Yes to Carrots" chapsticks! They are smooth, and don't have a weird chemical taste, like so many do.
They even have one with a carrot flavor! (My kids prefer the Mint, though.)
I will definitely look for the shampoo.
Le sigh.
I just discovered your blog today and have been reading through it diligently so far.
I am one of those increasingly common but still fairly at twenty-eight.
While I'm not exceptionally interested in fashion or make-up, I certainly have appreciated the cooking tips, and if I ever learn to sew (a skill that even my mother never thought I would need) I'm certain I'll be grateful for those tips as well.
Now if only you had kids, so you could recommend how to potty train reluctant twins...
Hey I came across your blog through Yahoo's homepage. I am enjoying it! I am a housewife as well, isn't it great?
ohmyGOSH, a friend suggested your blog to me, because of the whole beagle thing, yaaaaaay!
A housewife and no kids!? Wow. I have been doing all those things, cleaning a 2600 square foot home with 4 bathrooms by myself (no cleaning lady for me) and yes, cooking dinner from scratch, never from a box, every night, baking, sewing (my daughter is a fashion design major), for three kids and a husband (and dog) for 22 years, while also working for the past 9.
I came across your blog from the top news story on Yahoo. I'm a housewife too but I'm almost 40. blech . . Anyway, I love making things from scratch . .not into sewing too much though. Kudos to you for keeping it "real" and not succumbing to the mainstream working world. :)
I've never heard of Yes to Carrots before. Google here I come to find out where to get it!
Wow! No wonder you have time for your blog.
Well said. There are thousands of people (maybe millions) who have been doing the same thing (this charmed wife is doing) for years, but they do it for their kids. They just don't get the recognition they deserve, because society places more worth on the workforce.
Hi people! Thanks for all the comments. Yup- I'm a housewife with no kids, and happy that way for now. To be clear, though, I identify myself as a "housewife" because I take tremendous pride and pleasure in caring for my home and family (albeit, a small one), as I know many of you do. I also work (as a freelance writer and event planner)- I just am lucky enough to do it from home. I don't claim to be smarter or better at any of this than anyone- I just like to write about it! So, sue me. In the meantime, I have so much respect (and big love) for all the moms out there- I have an idea how hard you work, and I'm smart enough to know I'm not quite up to the challenge, yet. That's why I haven't had kids, yet!
I just found your blog (snaps to yahoo!) and I love it! You are funny, witty and down to earth. I look forward to reading more! =)I am also super stoked to try Yes to Carrots. Just this morning i the shower I read the ingredients in my "all natural, soy complex, no animal testing, noncomedogenic, hypoallergenic" Aveno face was and was shocked to see if chock full of toxic ingredients! I have their face wash, face scrub, moisturizer and SPF Face. So much for trusting a brand and their labels!
i have to agree with this being a great product, i was using it myself until a few months ago when i discovered LUSH ( AMAZING!!!!! i use the shampoo bars and what's even better is they are so moisturizing that i don't really need conditioner and they work great for soap! 3 in one, no more plastic bottles in my shower!!! great for babies and kids cause it's made with natural ingredients and lush is huge on making products with little to NO packaging to better the world!! i should add i'm a first time reader (this carrot blog was the only one i have read so far) and i can't wait to read more! i'm also a stay at home wife/mom (almost 28). kudos to you for doing what you do! it's because moms left the home that the world is in such danger. no time to cook fresh meals leaves many dying of obesity and moms spending little time with their kids and letting others raise them leaves kids with little or no concept of what the true meaning of life is. we are growing up with a need for money not love. : (
Also just discovered your blog through an article on Yahoo.
Love your writing style and perspective already!
I got Yes to Cucumbers smoothing eye gel (or some such thing) a few weeks back and am thrilled with it. It feels great and I feel good about using it. Whether it is actually smoothing the lines around my 30-something eyes remains to be seen, but I'm good with that.
Hi Lily! I just stumbled upon your blog through a link in Yahoo and the few hours that I have been reading up entries makes me think this is fantastic! This new reader from Manila, Philippines will definitely be coming back! God bless u! :)
I am addicted to their chapstick and facewash. They're fantastic :)
The "Yes To" product line is incredible. The Carrot, Cucumber and Tomato body butters are --and I use this word sparingly-- amazing, each bringing their own healing ingredients to the table (pardon the pun). My family is cursed with dry, itchy derma so finding these products that moisturize without globbing on greasy goop was a godsend.
Agreed, the lip balm is perfection; even my manly-man husband can be found sneaking in my purse to find it.
Enjoying your blog, Lily; keep 'em comin'.
Hi Lily, Through the magic of the Internet, we've been made aware of your blog at Yes To and we love it! I just introduced you to our own blog readers here:
As someone who sticks to things religiously I stepped out and tried their skin care and body butter. Excellent. My skin feels and smell so good I swear I am radiant. I am looking forward to trying yes to blueberries. Love your blog.
I said the same thing about the shampoo and conditioner to all my friends! It does wonders for your hair! Mine has never felt stronger and silkier. Their body butters have literally transformed my skin. You have to try them; you will fall in love! My computer background is even Yes to Carrots...I may be a little obsessed.
LOL @ your plans for an eyeshadow raid and femme-fatale wisdom. Cheerio!
I tried the Yes to Cucumbers face wash and I love it. My face feels wonderful after I wash with it.
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